Collage of three photos showing all Valo Motion products: ValoArena, ValoJump and ValoClimb.Collage of three photos showing all Valo Motion products: ValoArena, ValoJump and ValoClimb.

About us

At Valo Motion, we understand the power of indoor leisure: active, social, and memorable moments that strengthen connections and build loyalty. By combining this with cutting-edge mixed reality technology, we empower you to attract and engage a new, digital-savvy generation, while reinforcing the heart of your business. Everything without the need for attendants, headsets or technical knowledge.

Our solutions - ValoArena, ValoJump, ValoClimb, and  ValoPark are designed to entertain a wide range of guests, from families with kids, teenagers as well as adults. Whether you run a family entertainment center, indoor playground, adventure park, shopping mall, fitness studio, or hospitality venue, we deliver lasting solutions that keep your guests engaged and your business thriving.








Games played

Map of the world with colorful pins showing locations, where Valo Motion products have been installed.

Product installations worldwide




Get in touch

Group picture of the Valo Motion team at the Headquarters.
Schedule a call with Sales

HQ & Showroom
Kiviaidankatu 2, 00210 Helsinki
Finland (Get directions)

What our operators say

“Valo Motion's service is top-notch. We can solve most issues ourselves, but when we need help, they're quick to respond remotely. Their dedication really shows."

Dustin Pelletier

Franchise Owner of Big Air Trampoline Park (4 locations in the USA)

Solutions designed for venues like yours

No matter the type of venue you run, our mixed-reality games deliver unforgettable experiences, drive revenue, and keep operations simple.

ValoArena next to an arcade area in a family entertainment center setting.

Family Entertainment

Engage guests of all ages with our interactive, fully automated attractions. Unattended, easy-to-play, and headset-free, they deliver active social experiences that kids love and parents trust.

Learn more
ValoClimb with 3 children playing and two spectators. Two ValoJump air in the background with a view into ValoHalli

Our journey so far...

Our story began in 2013, when Dr. Raine Kajastila's (CEO) post-doctoral research about motivating people to move with technology sparked the idea of blending video games and rock climbing. By 2015, the potential was clear and this vision attracted government funding to build a team and commercialize the ValoClimb technology.


Dr. Raine Kajastila started his post-doctoral research at Aalto University in Finland. First prototypes were built and academic white papers about the augmented climbing wall were published.

Research about trampoline games and other sports started in collaboration with Leo Holsti and Prof. Perttu Hämäläinen. By 2015 a team of 6 was working on turning the prototypes into commercial products.

ValoClimb launch
Valo Motion is born

Valo Motion founded by Dr. Raine Kajastila, Joni Vähämäki, and Leo Holsti. ValoClimb launched, bringing augmented reality games to climbing walls.

ValoClimb video explodes online with over 250 million views, catching the attention of leisure operators across the world.

Also, the first year we participated in industry's biggest trade show - the IAAPA Expo.

100 ValoClimb units shipped to 30 countries!

ValoClimb quickly became a favorite, finding happy customers in venues, such as indoor playgrounds, climbing gyms and trampoline parks across the globe.

ValoJump launch

After the success of ValoClimb, we launched ValoJump, bringing a playful mixed-reality twist to trampolining and accelerating trampoline parks into a new generation.

500 units installed & IAAPA recognition!

ValoJump dual set-up won the IAAPA Brass Ring Award in the Best New Product category

Logo for the IAAPA brass ring award 2019 winner
ValoJump Air launch

For venues with ceiling height restrictions or trampoline insurance limitations, we designed  ValoJump Air setup with air tracks instead of trampolines.

ValoLeague takes off

Introduced ValoLeague, our Active eSports League, bringing global competitions to local venues. Seasonal challenges allow players to compete worldwide for top 4 rankings to win cash prizes.

This further helps operators to monetize their ValoClimb and ValoJump offerings, aims to boost repeat visits and enhance social play at their venue

ValoArena launch
1000 units installed across the globe!

We released ValoArena, an unattended mixed reality playground that lets up to 6 players play, laugh, and share the thrill of immersive mixed-reality game worlds using their bodies as controllers and requiring no VR goggles, gloves or controllers.

ValoArena wins IAAPA Brass Ring Award for Best New Product, our second such honor.

IAAPA brass ring 2022 award logo
ValoPark launch
ValoHalli launch

Introduced ValoPark, a solution designed to help leisure operators scale their business into shopping malls.

At the same time the company opened ValoHalli - our own ValoPark in the same building as our HQ in Lauttasaari, Helsinki.

More than 1500 units installed worldwide!

Our team grew to over 50 talented individuals. Plus, we reached 3.5 Million hours of playtime, which is 400 years of nonstop moving. Amazing!

Portrait of CEO Raine with Valo Motion cap

Every innovation, every game, and every step we take at Valo Motion is aimed at achieving our goal for 2030 of moving people 1 million times per day with our games to inspire movement and contribute to a healthier world, all while helping you grow your business.

Dr. Raine Kajastila, CEO and Founder

Birthday group enjoying snacks around the table in ValoHalli.

We test, refine and perfect so you get the best

In Helsinki, we operate our own mini amusement park, ValoHalli, powered entirely by Valo Motion products. ValoHalli gives us hands-on insights into the daily operations of LBE venues like yours. This allows us to refine every game and solution to solve real operational challenges and ensure they’re a hit before reaching your guests.

Visit ValoHalli

Want to learn more about us? Check these out!

Building Mixed-Reality Games: Meet CTO Joni

Building Mixed-Reality Games: Meet CTO Joni

Discover how Joni Vähämäki, CTO of Valo Motion, is building innovative mixed-reality games.

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IAAPA 2024 updates: All you need to know

IAAPA 2024 updates: All you need to know

Explore Valo Motion's game-changing IAAPA 2024 updates. New sizes, games, and features for unmatched guest experiences.

Read more
How was Valo Motion founded, Raine?

How was Valo Motion founded, Raine?

Discover how Raine Kajastila founded Valo Motion, revolutionizing movement with tech and fun fitness games.

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