3 observations from María about the marketing team

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Valo Motion
January 31, 2023
# min read
When María came to the job interview at our showroom in Lauttasaari, she also noticed that the same game can be found at HopLop adventure park in Pasila, that she has visited with her kids

Our marketing team just grew from 2 to 3, when María Fernández joined us in the role of Growth Marketing Manager! 🎉 After 10 years of experience in tech companies from giants to startups – María is new to the gaming industry. Now she shares her first impressions of joining us!

“I was looking for a new job and came across Valo Motion hiring a growth marketer. When I checked the company, I saw that it develops activity games that are about climbing! I learned to climb a few years ago, so I immediately thought that working in this company could get me back to this hobby again,”  María said smiling.

“I chose Valo Motion from two options because of the vibe – I had a feeling that people were obviously enjoying their work here.”
Valo Motion - Marketing Team
When María came to the job interview at our showroom in Lauttasaari, she also noticed that the same game can be found at HopLop adventure park in Pasila, which she has visited with her kids.

“Eventually, I had two different job offers on the table to choose from. I chose Valo Motion because of the vibe – I had a feeling that people were obviously enjoying their work here. I got this feeling from Valo Motion’s team already when I first met them,” María says.

3 observations from María when joining our team

#1. A warm welcome from the international team

“I come from Spain, and don’t speak Finnish. When looking for a job I had this concern that I wouldn’t find a truly international team that would welcome a non-Finnish-speaker. But when I first met our multicultural team, I understood that there was no need to worry,” says María.

“When I first met our multicultural team, I understood that there was no need to worry.”

English is our official language and our team has 12 different nationalities.

“Our CMO Ulla had prepared a very good onboarding plan for me and booked meetings with every team member to get to know each other so that I could understand their roles. It’s super nice that you are able and encouraged to talk to anyone on the team,” María says.

Also, the work of the marketing team itself is international. Valo Motion’s digital attractions are already loved in 65 countries, and counting. If you're a techie person and want to work globally – this is a place where you can definitely do that!

#2 A super results-oriented team – in a good way

A huge thing for María and her team is to explore all the new possibilities there are to accelerate Valo Motion’s global growth through marketing activities, closely tied to sales. 

“I would describe myself as a geek marketer – I’ve always focused on online strategies oriented to growth, accelerating startups, and building models for those,” María says.

When María joined us, one thing she noticed was that we are quite a results-oriented and organized team. In a way that supports and enhances success!

“I look forward to getting to know all the possibilities out there – all the new markets and industries that could get excited about our games!”

“We’re working based on goals and focus a lot on refining them, the definitions and scopes of projects. We keep track of all the tasks, delays, and deadlines. Still, our results-orientedness is not stressful, but the other way around. Everything depends on ourselves, and what we want to achieve. We are flexible and free to change the plan, too, “ María says.

“I look forward to building a machine for generating inbound leads and getting us to know all the possibilities out there – all the new markets and industries that could get excited about our games,” she says.

#3 Our marketing team gets to build things from scratch – and that’s inspiring

"You can start testing, evaluating, and initiating new ways of doing things."

This is exactly what María observed when joining us: you don’t have to focus on things that have always been done in a certain way. Instead, you can start testing, evaluating, and initiating new ways of doing things.

“There are many things we can try and not many limitations. From content styles and tone to topics and communication channels, we explore unlimited territories. Many potential industries and customers are out there, they have indoor spaces that need to add immersive digital experiences, but don't know us yet,” María thinks.

After all, that’s a mission our team is passionate about taking the good news of the active and sporty fun to new environments and people to enjoy. We’ve made organic growth to this point and continue to do that with a goal in mind: getting people physically moving – and that our games will be played 1 million times per day in 2030.

“We are aiming to explore all the possibilities that there are: many potential industries and customers out there that have indoor spaces to add digital experiences to, but don’t know about us yet.”

On this mission, María and the marketing team will be the key players – tapping us into all of the growth opportunities there are globally!

“In our team, I would see that we want to hire more curious people. It’s nice because one of our company values is curiosity. I’m a curious person myself – excited to learn and explore the gaming industry!”

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